Self-Constructed Boundries

I believe there’s such a thing as over-respecting a person’s boundaries — especially when those boundaries are imaginary ones we’ve constructed ourselves.

Boundaries are essential for personal well-being and mutual respect. However, there’s a delicate balance between respecting someone’s space and recognizing when our hesitation is more about our own fears than their needs.

Often, we refrain from reaching out or persisting not just out of respect, but due to our own pride or fear of rejection.

It’s even more challenging when we need something from someone, or when connecting with someone could benefit us more than it benefits them. We might avoid reaching out or persisting because we don’t want to overstep.

Boundaries are important, but it’s equally important to discern whether they’re real or imagined. Let’s not let our own fears masquerade as respect for others.

The next time you find yourself talking yourself out of connecting with someone or attending an event that could benefit you, pause and consider whether it’s genuine respect holding you back or perhaps a bit of ego and fear.

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